
From time to time, we share news, insights and other media on subjects relevant to the industries and sectors we work in and which we think might be of interest to our clients.


Dan Bryant Dan Bryant

PWin and Why it’s Important

Why, as an SME considering a sale or a bid, it is particularly important to take the time to look at your Probability of Winning (PWin).

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Dan Bryant Dan Bryant

Ten Years After The Mast

I consider myself to have been very lucky. I left the Service having enjoyed a full and rich career which provided me with a broad range experiences and helped me to grow both as a professional and as a person.

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Dan Bryant Dan Bryant

Thinking Small

You are a start-up or a Small or Medium-sized Enterprise (SME).You have been trading for around 5 years and things are going from strength to strength.

You have a healthy turnover and your company employs less than, say, 20 staff.

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Dan Bryant Dan Bryant

A Year In A Life Of A Startup

This is going to be short. Very short, because if you are taking an interest in this, chances are you're in a similar position to me and you don't have time to absorb anything dense, however interesting and useful.

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